All artwork is provided to you as a free service. It’s up to you to find a way to get the tracts professionally printed (printing on a home inkjet printer is not recommended). Any professional printing company should be able to help you. In the United States I recommend Florida-based Brut Printing. You can also purchase printed copies in English, Spanish, and French-Canadian from Living Waters.
This diagram shows the proper direction of the folds. Important: When setting up folds, please note that the last “quarter” of the tract (pages 5 and 6) is 1/8″ narrower than the rest of the sections (it measures 3-3/8″ whereas the rest of the sections measure 3-1/2″). This is done so that once the tract is folded the edges will remain flush, otherwise the inner-most page would stick out slightly. (NOTE: If you are printing in a language that reads right-to-left, the folds will have to be reversed.)
There is a very small white area at the bottom of the last page that, depending on your language, may include some ministry contact info. Feel free to remove the info and insert your own contact info or other message. You can do this yourself with image-editing software, or your printer may be able to do it for you.