About the tract
In 2006 illustrator Cedric Hohnstadt (that’s me) created a cartoon Gospel tract based on a presentation by evangelist Ray Comfort. Millions of copies of the tract have been printed in English and it has been translated into over fifty languages. Missionaries and evangelists have been using it around the world. The tract is copyright-free and available as a free download to any person or ministry who wants to distribute it.
Is it really free?
The digital files are completely, totally free but if you want to print it you’ll have to pay for that yourself. On the translations page there are low-res versions in each language suitable for sharing online, and hi-res versions suitable for printing. You can also purchase pre-printed copies in English and Spanish from the ministry of Living Waters.
Animated version
In 2010 Living Waters even created an animated version of the tract. This animated version is NOT copyright-free. Living Waters owns the copyright to the animated video but has granted permission for it to be distributed freely. It is currently available on YouTube. It has also been dubbed and/or subtitled into several languages.